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Vision Therapy Success Stories

RE: Reading Difficulties
by Kari

Below is a success story that was voluntarily submitted by one of our visitors.
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Date: Thu, 15 May 1997
Subject: Vision Therapy

Dear www.children-special-needs.org,

I would be happy to contribute a story of how Vision Therapy has changed my life.

I have always had reading difficulties and never enjoyed reading for pleasure. I had to work extremely hard to get the grades I wanted in school and would often go in my room, plug up my ears, and read out loud to myself. I would panic if someone asked me to read orally - especially if I had not preread the material. I was not a good test-taker, mainly when it was timed. I never thought I could ever be a graduate student, because the reading took me so long.

It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I found out I had some form of dyslexia or perhaps a vision impairment. When I looked at a printed page I could only focus on one or two words at a time. My eyes jerked across the page, and I often got headaches.
I just thought everyone saw the same way I did until I saw a special on TV. It showed what a person with this form of dyslexia would see. It was at that point in my life that I realized I wasn't dumb. There was a physical explanation for the difficulties I had experienced. It wasn't until three years ago that I knew there was anything I could do about it.

When I met with Dr. (xxxxx), he said I had a great chance of getting help with therapy. I was overwhelmed! He asked me what I wanted to accomplish when I was finished with the therapy. There were two main goals I had: to be able to read a book orally to my students at school, with expression, without having to preread the book, and being able to start on my master's degree. I went through many sessions and can now say it was the best investment I have ever made.

I have lost count of the books I've read to my class, as well as those I have read for pleasure. I've read more in the last three years than I have read in the other 34 years combined. I passed the MAT test to become a graduate student and made a high enough score I could continue on with my doctorate if I wanted. I am now in my 5th class with a 4.0 average.

I LOVE TO READ!!! I would recommend Vision Therapy to anyone who is in doubt.


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