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Vision Therapy Success Stories

Achievement in School
Special Educator Report by Mrs. Joyce Inouye, M.A., Ed.
"Professionally and personally, I am convinced that Vision Therapy is real!"
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Strabismus & Phorias
A teacher, Jens Haase, reports that the staff of a Berlin primary school has had remarkable success with dyslexic children and children with learning disabilities by compensating for strabismus or associated phorias with prismatic eyeglasses.
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Peter Hall by Robyn Hall
"Vision Therapy has been a major blessing in this house. My son, Peter, has benefited so much. Peter's grades and achievements in school have gone up, up, up."
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Samantha's handwriting is a thousand percent better. She is now able to copy from the blackboard better. Her attention span, concentration, and self-esteem have soared.
Robyn A. Barbers, Samantha's Mother
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Matthew's reading has become much more consistent. He doesn't tire as quickly as he did before starting Vision Therapy. Thank you for all your help.
Geraldine, Matthew's Mother
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Jenna is now successfully able to track across a page and rarely loses her place. Her "board to seat" work is very much improved. Her papers are now very neat, whereas before Vision Therapy her papers rarely made sense.
Carol Maffei, Jenna's Mother
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Jessica's grades have all gone up at least one grade. She enjoys reading now and doesn't dread it. As a matter of fact, she reads to her little sister all the time. I was a bit doubtful of Vision Therapy until I saw the change myself in her drifting eye and her schoolwork.
Tracey Marcoux, Jessica's Mother
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It has been a tough haul, but I did it! Now I can go back to college as a "full-time student." That was something I thought would never happen. I am confident that I will do well. Between the eye exercises and the use of my glasses, how can I not! Also, thanks to Vision Therapy, I can resume food shopping, which is important when you take care of a household. Thank you!
Sammy Herrmann
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I can do my schoolwork without my eye going out. I no longer see double. I don't lose my place in reading. It is not as hard to see the blackboard.
Jessica L. Marcoux
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Since beginning Vision Therapy, Francesca has stated that she is able to see the blackboard with more clarity. Also, at home, we have noticed that she is able to read better; she is more self-assured when she is reading and is more independent with her homework.
Francesca Mazzella's Mother
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Distance vision has improved enough to be noticed. I can now see the blackboard in school much better than before. I also catch myself now when I get too close to my reading material or a television screen.
David Vander Wende
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I can see the blackboard at school better and the TV is clearer. At first, I didn't really believe in Vision Therapy, but now I'm glad I was wrong.
Molka Veksler
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I find that when I copy from the blackboard at school I can focus much faster.
Rachel Feigenbaum
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I believe Nick is more confident in school. He is not so unsure of his abilities as he has experienced success in both modified and regular classes and is eager to begin high school in the fall.
Linda R. McNerney, Nick's Mother
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We noticed Ryan's schoolwork has improved. As long as he brings his work home his grades get better. Ryan doesn't seem to bring his reading materials close to him while he's reading. Therapy was fun for him. There were a lot of fun activities. He will miss therapy when he's finished.
Linda Naundorff, Ryan's Mother
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Ralph is doing much better in school.
Ralph Fattarusso's Parents
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I was not doing well in school. Then I came to Vision Therapy and I am improving.
Christina Davis

To locate an eye doctor who provides comprehensive pediatric vision examinations and treatment, including Vision Therapy, request a referral through our Referral Directory: Find a Pediatric Eye Doctor.

All other images and text: copyright © 1996- by Rachel Cooper. All rights reserved.